Container Deposit Scheme

The new container deposit scheme, VicReturn, commenced on 1 November 2023.  While “a glass bottle or glass container designed to hold only pure spirituous liquor or wine” has been exempt from the scheme at this point, those selling cans or glass RTDs are still caught by the scheme.

Full details of the scheme, including how to register (which is compulsory if you are supplying eligible containers) is available at  


Those affected will need to enter into a Supply Agreement with VicReturn, and you will be invoiced for the the costs on a monthly basis.  If you are supplying less than 300,000 containers per annum, you can opt into a quarterly invoicing arrangement.  These costs vary depending on the type of container, but will add between 11.0 and 11.5 cents per container (plus GST) to your business costs.


If you are registered, you will be required to supply data on the sales of eligible containers - historical data when you register, monthly data and annual data.  You should consider you record keeping requirements to enable you to provide this data.


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